Incorporation and the volunteer fire model

Around the country, we have a mix of professional, volunteer, and hybrid-professional/volunteer fire departments, that serve the public, and help promote public safety.   The structure of common defense in the United States, follows a somewhat similar structure.   Just as big cities have full time professional fire fighters, The Federal Government maintains a full time professional military.    The National Guard, and individual State Guards parallel the “paid-on-call” and hybrid professional/volunteer fire departments.   They have some full time or paid employees, but the rank and file are usually volunteers.   At the most local level there are groups of people that volunteer to come together for the common defense of their communities.   They may call themselves “Militia”, “Mutual Assistance Groups”, “Neighborhood Protection Teams”, or even “Neighborhood Watch”.   Regardless of name, they function much like the all volunteer fire services that dot rural america.    They give selflessly of their time, and money, for the betterment of their community.

One of the lessons we can learn from the volunteer fire services is how to apply a legal and business structure to our groups.    At this point, some people might be thinking to them selves “Why would I ever want to do that?”   That is what I will answer below.

While there is huge variance from state to state, and even town to town, most volunteer fire departments are set up as a non-profit corporation, with a board of directors.   We’ll start with incorporation.   Incorporation is creating a legal entity that can do business just as a person would.

A corporation can own property.   If a member of an unincorporated militia buys radios for the group, those radios belong to whoever paid for them.   If, however they are bought by a company, or gifted, or donated, then they belong to the corporation, thus the group.   If the actual purchaser dies, or moves on, or looses interest, the radios are still property of the legal entity of the group (“the corporation”.)   A corporation can also hold property in trust.  This may be useful for keeping access to a training site.   It is better for “The Anytown Mutual Assistance Group” to have access to a range, than “Capt. Bob, of the AMAG.”

A corporate structure can also acquire FCC radio licenses, and liability insurance, which won’t leave if  member does. Corporations may also be eligible for some grants that are not available to an individual.

A corporate structure can also help with continuity of the group.   For a lot of current small groups, the groups identity is tied to one or several key people.   If those people leave, or die, or loose interest, or have a falling out, the group by default falls apart.   The corporate structure allows the group to continue without those key people, or founders.

Most states have minimum rules requiring a board of directors, certain corporate officers, and an annual meeting.   The board of directors serves several functions.   It acts as the “civilian leadership,” and provides checks and balances.    Generally, the board should approve promotions, and be able to reduce rank, or evict members for misconduct.   This is a check against abuse from a corrupt leader.   A board is also a good means for long time members who are no longer physically able to participate in group activities to still be involved in a meaningful way.

Incorporating also gives a perception of legitimacy.   Whether it is local policy makers, the media, public safety and service workers or the local general population, an incorporated entity will almost always “sound” more legit than not.    “Captain Bob and his freedom fighters”   will cause folks to roll their eyes, while the “Anytown Mutual Assistance Group, Incorporated” sounds like a professional organization.    Appearance of legitimacy is crucial for maintaining good civil affairs with local populations.

Incorporating is not without its own set of issues.

First, to do it properly, they cost money.   While not costing a fortune, incorporating usually requires filing paperwork with the state.   There may need to be regular tax filings, and there will certainly be mandatory board meetings.   Some of these requirements can be completed with online law services such as Nolo, or Legal Zoom, but because of the unusual nature of a defensive group incorporating, it may be worth it in the long run to consult with a lawyer, and accountant in the local area.

If a group is incorporated as a “non-profit” there are some additional regulations governing what the company can and can not do

There is also the fact that the board members should be a matter of public record.   That may or may not be an issue, depending on the members perceptions on the role of government in business, and personal security.

Finally there is always the possibility that as new members join, and old ones leave, the make up of the board will change reflecting the membership.   The board may one day take the group in a direction that was not originally envisioned by the groups founders.   Some people do not want to loose that control.

Incorporation is simply a tool in the tool box.   It may or may not be a good fit for any group.    It does help in large public groups maintain continuity, but may be too cumbersome or compromising for smaller groups.  Each group will need to decide if that tool is useful to them.



National Patriot Field Day

WHAT: National Patriot Field Day 2015 (NPFD 2015/1, pronounced “nip-fed twenty-fifteen slash one”) – Continental FTX

WHEN: 1300Z 19 APRIL 2015 – 0100Z 20 APRIL 2015

WHERE: CONUS (at a minimum)

WHO: You and your team; see below

WHY: Demonstrating that skills learned over the past six years can be applied successfully in the field in coordination/communication with other like-minded freedom-loving people located across North America

HOW: Entirely at teams’ discretion, subject to provisions below

CONCEPT: NPFD will provide an opportunity for patriots of all interests, abilities, and skills to field those talents over a 12-hour period and communicate their wins/losses/corrective actions to local, regional, and national UHF/VHF/HF networks.

Essential elements of the FTX are as follows:

1) Peaceful demonstration of freedom-minded skills; keep itrespectful and legal
2) Team planning and execution in support of coordinated effort, with comms up through local net and onward
3) All teams who complete their self-defined missions within parameters (honor system) and communicate their results with the FTX net are eligible for noogies and potential better prizes
4) Local/regional/national/international(?) comms will need to be established and maintained for the 12-hour FTX period plus a one-hour bumper prior to and after the ground teams (1200Z 19 APRIL – 0200Z 20 APRIL)
5) The more varied participants, the more challenging the FTX– so contact your associates in the re-enactor, EMCOMMS, EMS, and any other disciplines to encourage their participation, as per the following hypothetical examples…



More details here:


The Idaho PatCon dates have been set, so mark your calendars and schedule your vacation!  Be sure to bring your kids, and well-behaved pets are welcome.  If your dogs have attitude, make sure you can keep all the animals in attendance safe.

We will have scheduled events and training on Thursday the 23rd through Sunday the 26th. Feel free to arrive Wednesday (or earlier) and head out Monday the 27th (or later!) and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Redoubt with fellow Patriots.

Schedule your summer vacation around the PatCon and explore the Redoubt.  Hike the mountains.  Fish the St. Joe’s and Lake Coeur d’Alene.  Bring your water toys, 4-wheelers, and trail bikes.  Take advantage of the small shooting & archery range at the PatCon site. We intend to have an assortment of tactical and prepper gear from high quality manufacturers so you can T&E (Test & Evaluate) their products. Enjoy the company of fellow Patriots as we train during the days and share the fire at night.